Musashi holds a high standard for quality and safety. Our manufacturing facilities are governed by best-in-class practices to ensure sure our products are of the highest quality and safe to use. As the technology and systems evolve and develop, as do the processes involved in the development of Musashi products.
Almost all Musashi products are produced in Vitaco’s state-of-the-art facilities in Auckland, New Zealand. These facilities have several certifications, guaranteeing the quality of each product:
- Medsafe Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate
- New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) registered Risk Management Programmes
- NZ MPI registered Animal Products Exporter
- NZ MPI approved Food Control Plan
- MPI approved Halal and Animal Products Premises
- MPI approved Transitional Facility
- MPI and market listing for export
- Registered Food Importer
- FDA Food Facility Registration